Adler von Bachmann - Characters

Viscount Adler von Bachmann, Knight – Human, Borgia
Class : Cleric + Knight + Guardian = Chaos Paladin
Race : Human
Nation : Borgia
Best Weapon : Deathblade Zweihander (Kraal’shazar)
First Weapon : Ulcergash Flamberge
Best Armor : Omegron’s Tiamatte Armor – Black Full Plate Armor (Adair’s Arsenal)
First Armor : Der Ingelham, Enchanted Full Plate Mail
Guardian :
Omegron, but never had a chance to summon him because it’s controlled by Zal’fira the necromancess
Skills / Spells :
(Forces of Nature – Great Sword Mastery)
Tusks of a Myriad Elephants = Gading Selaksa Gajah
Pouncing Tiger Slash = Singa Putih Menerkam Mangsa
Whirlwind Slash = Badai Berpusar Membelah Awan / Sabetan Badai Berpusar
Shattering of Heaven and Earth = Penghancur Bumi dan Langit
Fingers of the Blade = Jari-jari Tapak Pedang
Description :
As explained in the story, Viscount Adler von Bachmann is the man who likes to dominate, influence and control others. He’s not necessarily evil, but he’s obviously ambitious.
The facts that even the King of Borgia is within his influence and being the Grand Marshal of the Borgian Army form his hyper-arrogant and hyper-egoistic character. He knows no true friend – until he meets Don Hernan y Parvaez.
His positive traits are his resourcefulness and his ability to notice opportunities even in the most obscure manner. He is also a good negotiator (although many are proved better than him in this kind of field).
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