Fiction Publishers Directory from Acqweb
Achilla Presse German publisher specializing in reprints of modern classics
Charles Agvent Modern and 19th century literary first editions, Limited Editions Club, early printing
Anvil Press Canadian publisher of contemporary fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction titles that focus on pop-culture
Arania Books Audio & Print Independent fiction publishers, focusing on first-time women authors
Arden Shakespeare
Ardis Publishers Ardis specializes in Russian literature in English translation
Arsenal Pulp Press Canadian publisher, specializing in feminist, gay and multicultural studies
Arte P?o Press Publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by U.S. Hispanic authors
Asiapac Books Pte Ltd Specializing in Chinese culture, with English comics and books on Chinese philosophy, history, art and literature
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
August House Publishers, Inc. Independent book and audio publisher specializing in stories--traditional multicultural folktales, kitchen-table storytelling, and storytelling as a performance art
Aurelius Publishing v.z.w. Small Flemish publisher of educational books and literature
BMD Books Online first edition dealer specializing in mysteries and science fiction/fantasy
Bald Mountain Books Small press specializing in works that promote and reflect storytelling in its many forms
Les Belles Lettres
Black Heron Press Small literary press
Black Ice Books
Black Sparrow Press Avant-garde poetry and fiction
Bleu de Chine Novels, political essays, biographies from contemporary Chinese writers
Bloodaxe Books Independent literary publishing house
Boulevard Books / Babel Guides Guides to fiction translated into English
Broken Jaw Press Small Canadian publishing house of mostly-literary trade paperback books
Cadmus Editions Publisher of literary fiction, non-fiction and poetry
Caju Press English-language editions of South Asian folk literature
Carcanet Press
Catbird Press Small U.S. book publisher with specializing in Czech literature in translation, American fiction, and humor
Chax Press Nonprofit creating book arts editions and literary editions of challenging and innovative contemporary writing
Cinco Puntos Press Publisher of titles related to the border areas of the American Southwest
Coach House Books Canadian press
Coffee House Press Non-profit publisher of ethnic and cultural minorities
Constable & Robinson Ltd. Publisher of popular literature in the areas of fiction, history, recreation, and children's books
Crossroads Publishing Company Publisher of fiction in electronic form
Juan de la Cuesta
Curbstone Press Literature reflecting a commitment to social change, with an emphasis on writing from Latin America and Latino communities in the United States
The Do-Not Press Aiming to put the pub back into publishing and the friction back in to fiction
Eastgate Systems, Inc.
Ediciones Destino
Ediciones Trilce Publishing house in Uruguay, with titles in the social sciences, literature and reference
Edition Reichenberger Spanish literature
Les Éditions du Blé French language works of fiction, poetry, music & research
Editions litteraires et linguistiques de l'universite de Grenoble (ELLUG)
Edizioni dell'Erba di Aldemaro Toni
Electric Works Publishing An all-digital literary publisher
Elfenbein Verlag German publisher for Portuguese, German, Czech literature, expressionism, contemporary literature
Eve's Eye Press Women's contemporary/historical fiction and non-fiction
Fantagraphics Books Publisher of comics and graphic novels on various topics for adults
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fiction Collective Two (FC2) Noncommercial publisher of fiction, supported by the Illinois Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts
Filibuster Press Fiction publisher; libertarian themes and capitalist heroes
Forest Books
Four Walls Eight Windows Independent publisher specializing in literature and general nonfiction, with an emphasis on progressive politics Publisher of free ebooks
Fugue State Press Publisher of innovative and experimental modern fiction
Gutter Press Dangerous fiction & radical literature
Hard Press/Lingo Poetry, fiction & art
Henry Parker Publishing Specialist publisher of classic and original genre fiction
Hisarlik Press Folklore, medieval studies
Hodge & Braddock, Publishers
The Ice Cube Press Fiction and non-fiction works on environmental maintenance and restoration
Incommunicado Press "Publishers of severe literature"
Jaguar Books
Knopf Publishing Group
The Large Print Literary Reader Literary magazine devoted to those with low-vision needs
Library Reproduction Service (LRS) Publisher of large print books, especially literary classics; provider of large print copies of educational materials
Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag
M.I.P. Company Controversial Russian literature
Marlowe & Company
Milkweed Editions Nonprofit literary publisher of books emphasizing cultural diversity, environmental stewardship, crafted poetry and literature for adults and children in the middle grades
Mind's Eye Fiction Fiction on the Internet
Moyer Bell Literature, reference, and art books
NRG Associates Electronic publishing of fiction
New Victoria Publishers Nonprofit organization producing lesbian feminist fiction and nonfiction
New York Review Books Publisher of classics outside the cannon and essay anthologies by contributors to The New York Review of Books
Nouveau Press
Palimpsest Press Publisher of electronic novels
The Paper Journey Press North Carolina independent publisher, specializing in offbeat novellas, short story anthologies, and historical narratives
Paupers' Press Extended essays of literary criticism and philosophy
Permeable Press
Peter Owen Publishers UK publisher specializing in original and reprinted fiction, as well as general non-fiction titles
Plaster Cramp Press Avant-garde literature
Pleasure Boat Studio Trade paperback editions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction (in English language original & translation)
The Porcupine's Quill, Inc. Canadian literary press specializing in fiction (short stories and novels), poetry, juvenile fiction, literary criticism, visual arts and trade publications
Prestige Books Indian publishers of literature books, literary criticism, fiction and women's studies
RDR Books Women's, children's, travel and humor nonfiction and children's fiction
RE/Search Publications
Renditions English translations of Chinese literature
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Large German publishing group which includes the rororo, Rowohlt Berlin, and Wunderlich imprints
S M Page Press Small press focusing on emerging and unpublished authors, and Canadian cultural works
Salt Publishing Independent literary publisher with lists in poetry, drama and experimental fiction
Sarabande Books Nonprofit literary press, publishing poetry, essays, and short fiction
Seren Books UK publisher specializing in English-language material from Wales
Serendipity Systems Electronic books on IBM-PC compatible disks; fiction and reference works on literature, publishing, and writing
Sherman Asher Publishing Small literary press publishing poetry, memoir and fiction
Six Gallery Press Publisher of progressive and experimental poetry and prose
Sky Blue Press
S?str? Co F?gsaktiebolag Swedish novels, essays, poetry, memoirs and non-fiction
Solozone Fiction, photos and CD music together
Starrhill Press American arts and letters
Storisende Verlag & Versandbuchhandel Michael Plogmann German publisher of literary fantasy
Story Line Press Independent, non-profit press specializing in poetry, novels, short stories, criticism, writer's guides, memoirs, translation, and essays.
Sun & Moon Press
Talisman Publishers Inc. Publisher of books in poetry, fiction, theory, and criticism
Tara Publishing E-Books to download, including new age, science/alternate technology, health, fiction, and travel
Thistledown Press Ltd. Adult and young adult poetry and fiction by Canadian writers
Thunder's Mouth Press
Toby Press Direct-selling publisher of new fiction
V騩cule Press Canadian and Quebec literature--fiction, poetry, essays, translations, and social history
Walking Bridge Press
Wellsweep Press Literary translation from Chinese
Whistle Press, Inc. A nonprofit corporation dedicated to literature, art, and the environment
White Pine Press Non-profit publishing fiction, poetry, essays and literature in translation
Zephyr Press Independent publisher specializing in world literature in translation
Achilla Presse German publisher specializing in reprints of modern classics
Charles Agvent Modern and 19th century literary first editions, Limited Editions Club, early printing
Anvil Press Canadian publisher of contemporary fiction, poetry, drama and non-fiction titles that focus on pop-culture
Arania Books Audio & Print Independent fiction publishers, focusing on first-time women authors
Arden Shakespeare
Ardis Publishers Ardis specializes in Russian literature in English translation
Arsenal Pulp Press Canadian publisher, specializing in feminist, gay and multicultural studies
Arte P?o Press Publisher of contemporary and recovered literature by U.S. Hispanic authors
Asiapac Books Pte Ltd Specializing in Chinese culture, with English comics and books on Chinese philosophy, history, art and literature
Association for the Study of Literature and Environment (ASLE)
August House Publishers, Inc. Independent book and audio publisher specializing in stories--traditional multicultural folktales, kitchen-table storytelling, and storytelling as a performance art
Aurelius Publishing v.z.w. Small Flemish publisher of educational books and literature
BMD Books Online first edition dealer specializing in mysteries and science fiction/fantasy
Bald Mountain Books Small press specializing in works that promote and reflect storytelling in its many forms
Les Belles Lettres
Black Heron Press Small literary press
Black Ice Books
Black Sparrow Press Avant-garde poetry and fiction
Bleu de Chine Novels, political essays, biographies from contemporary Chinese writers
Bloodaxe Books Independent literary publishing house
Boulevard Books / Babel Guides Guides to fiction translated into English
Broken Jaw Press Small Canadian publishing house of mostly-literary trade paperback books
Cadmus Editions Publisher of literary fiction, non-fiction and poetry
Caju Press English-language editions of South Asian folk literature
Carcanet Press
Catbird Press Small U.S. book publisher with specializing in Czech literature in translation, American fiction, and humor
Chax Press Nonprofit creating book arts editions and literary editions of challenging and innovative contemporary writing
Cinco Puntos Press Publisher of titles related to the border areas of the American Southwest
Coach House Books Canadian press
Coffee House Press Non-profit publisher of ethnic and cultural minorities
Constable & Robinson Ltd. Publisher of popular literature in the areas of fiction, history, recreation, and children's books
Crossroads Publishing Company Publisher of fiction in electronic form
Juan de la Cuesta
Curbstone Press Literature reflecting a commitment to social change, with an emphasis on writing from Latin America and Latino communities in the United States
The Do-Not Press Aiming to put the pub back into publishing and the friction back in to fiction
Eastgate Systems, Inc.
Ediciones Destino
Ediciones Trilce Publishing house in Uruguay, with titles in the social sciences, literature and reference
Edition Reichenberger Spanish literature
Les Éditions du Blé French language works of fiction, poetry, music & research
Editions litteraires et linguistiques de l'universite de Grenoble (ELLUG)
Edizioni dell'Erba di Aldemaro Toni
Electric Works Publishing An all-digital literary publisher
Elfenbein Verlag German publisher for Portuguese, German, Czech literature, expressionism, contemporary literature
Eve's Eye Press Women's contemporary/historical fiction and non-fiction
Fantagraphics Books Publisher of comics and graphic novels on various topics for adults
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Fiction Collective Two (FC2) Noncommercial publisher of fiction, supported by the Illinois Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts
Filibuster Press Fiction publisher; libertarian themes and capitalist heroes
Forest Books
Four Walls Eight Windows Independent publisher specializing in literature and general nonfiction, with an emphasis on progressive politics Publisher of free ebooks
Fugue State Press Publisher of innovative and experimental modern fiction
Gutter Press Dangerous fiction & radical literature
Hard Press/Lingo Poetry, fiction & art
Henry Parker Publishing Specialist publisher of classic and original genre fiction
Hisarlik Press Folklore, medieval studies
Hodge & Braddock, Publishers
The Ice Cube Press Fiction and non-fiction works on environmental maintenance and restoration
Incommunicado Press "Publishers of severe literature"
Jaguar Books
Knopf Publishing Group
The Large Print Literary Reader Literary magazine devoted to those with low-vision needs
Library Reproduction Service (LRS) Publisher of large print books, especially literary classics; provider of large print copies of educational materials
Lindhardt og Ringhof Forlag
M.I.P. Company Controversial Russian literature
Marlowe & Company
Milkweed Editions Nonprofit literary publisher of books emphasizing cultural diversity, environmental stewardship, crafted poetry and literature for adults and children in the middle grades
Mind's Eye Fiction Fiction on the Internet
Moyer Bell Literature, reference, and art books
NRG Associates Electronic publishing of fiction
New Victoria Publishers Nonprofit organization producing lesbian feminist fiction and nonfiction
New York Review Books Publisher of classics outside the cannon and essay anthologies by contributors to The New York Review of Books
Nouveau Press
Palimpsest Press Publisher of electronic novels
The Paper Journey Press North Carolina independent publisher, specializing in offbeat novellas, short story anthologies, and historical narratives
Paupers' Press Extended essays of literary criticism and philosophy
Permeable Press
Peter Owen Publishers UK publisher specializing in original and reprinted fiction, as well as general non-fiction titles
Plaster Cramp Press Avant-garde literature
Pleasure Boat Studio Trade paperback editions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction (in English language original & translation)
The Porcupine's Quill, Inc. Canadian literary press specializing in fiction (short stories and novels), poetry, juvenile fiction, literary criticism, visual arts and trade publications
Prestige Books Indian publishers of literature books, literary criticism, fiction and women's studies
RDR Books Women's, children's, travel and humor nonfiction and children's fiction
RE/Search Publications
Renditions English translations of Chinese literature
Rowohlt Verlag GmbH Large German publishing group which includes the rororo, Rowohlt Berlin, and Wunderlich imprints
S M Page Press Small press focusing on emerging and unpublished authors, and Canadian cultural works
Salt Publishing Independent literary publisher with lists in poetry, drama and experimental fiction
Sarabande Books Nonprofit literary press, publishing poetry, essays, and short fiction
Seren Books UK publisher specializing in English-language material from Wales
Serendipity Systems Electronic books on IBM-PC compatible disks; fiction and reference works on literature, publishing, and writing
Sherman Asher Publishing Small literary press publishing poetry, memoir and fiction
Six Gallery Press Publisher of progressive and experimental poetry and prose
Sky Blue Press
S?str? Co F?gsaktiebolag Swedish novels, essays, poetry, memoirs and non-fiction
Solozone Fiction, photos and CD music together
Starrhill Press American arts and letters
Storisende Verlag & Versandbuchhandel Michael Plogmann German publisher of literary fantasy
Story Line Press Independent, non-profit press specializing in poetry, novels, short stories, criticism, writer's guides, memoirs, translation, and essays.
Sun & Moon Press
Talisman Publishers Inc. Publisher of books in poetry, fiction, theory, and criticism
Tara Publishing E-Books to download, including new age, science/alternate technology, health, fiction, and travel
Thistledown Press Ltd. Adult and young adult poetry and fiction by Canadian writers
Thunder's Mouth Press
Toby Press Direct-selling publisher of new fiction
V騩cule Press Canadian and Quebec literature--fiction, poetry, essays, translations, and social history
Walking Bridge Press
Wellsweep Press Literary translation from Chinese
Whistle Press, Inc. A nonprofit corporation dedicated to literature, art, and the environment
White Pine Press Non-profit publishing fiction, poetry, essays and literature in translation
Zephyr Press Independent publisher specializing in world literature in translation
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