Poetry Publishers Who Accept Email Submissions

lcrew's Note: I am a poet, not a publisher. Neither send your manuscripts to me for critique nor query me for advice about how to publish them. I list below an abundance of resources that can help you place your manuscripts. That is the only help that I have to offer you unless you are a personal friend. --L.
I invite you also to inspect my collection of current calls for manuscripts, my poetry page, and my home page. Send additions and corrections to lcrew@newark.rutgers.edu
Below I list poetry editors who are willing to accept submissions electronically. To access an editor's email address, click on the editor's name, or on 'editor'. To access the web address, if any, click on the name of the publication. If no email address is actived by the Editor or the editor's name, likely the magazine requires that you use a form at the publication's website.
Before you submit materials, you should read the publication's guidelines.
Some editors have complained that too many people fail to read what they have said, sending long poems when short are desired, or short when long are desired..... You do not prompt a sympathetic reading if you ignore what the editors have taken time to advise.
You may also check Writer's Digest or the current edition of the International Directory of Little Magazines & Small Presses, published by Dustbooks, Box 100, Paradise, CA 95967. It is also appropriate to query the publisher for current guidelines, together with announcements for any thematic issues. It is good to purchase a sample copy and study of the magazine to determine whether your material would have a fit with the other material published.
Some websites confirm that the publshers allow submissions by email, and I have queried all of the others to confirm that they do.
When editors accept submissions by email, most prefer to have them sent in the body of your message, not as attachments and not in formats of word processors they do not have. When in doubt, ask the editor.
I hope this helps you connect. --Lutibelle/Louie
Note: I am continually adding and removing publishers. If mail to one of these bounces, please alert me. I want to keep this list as current as possible.
I have indicated the date added for the most recent entries. -- LC
A & U America's AIDS Magazine Chael Needle
Abbey, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Able Muse Alex Pepple Welcomes metrical poetry
Abramelin: A Journal of Poetry and Magick, Added 9/24/2006Vanessa Kittle
Adagio Editor Spring/Summer Issue: April 15th. Fall/Winter Issue: October 15th. Stops consideration on the first day of these months.
Adirondack Review Editor
Alice Blue Review, Added 9/28/2006Editor
The Alternative Travel Magazine Chad Bost, Editor in Chief Poems can be any length and should be related to travel.
The American Drivel Review Tara Blaine
American Haibun & Haiga Jim Kacian
Ampersand Poetry Journal: Mary Margaret Carlisle
Ancient Heart Magazine Richard James van der Draaij
Ancient Paths Editor Accepts email only from poets outside the United States
anderbo.com June Edint, Poetry Editor
Arabesques Literary Review, Added 6/30/2006Editor
Arc Editor The Israel Association of Writers in English publishes only the poetry of Israeli citizens and residents. It's a union thing.
Arsenic Lobster Magazine Editor
Artistry of Life, Added 5/22/2006Editor Send all submissions via email as MS Word .doc attachments Include the genre and submission data on the Subject line. Deadline June 15th, 2006.
Ash Canyon Review Asha Anderson
Astropoetica Emily Gaskin
Banyan Review Editor
Bardsong: Journal for Celebrating the Celtic Spirit Ann Gilpin We favor writing that evokes spirit of Celtic heritage.
Bathyspheric Review: A Journal of Fine Poetry Devoted to the Ocean Ryan Masters
The Bear Delux Steven Babcock, Casey Bush We can't respond unless your submission is accepted for publication. Limit to 5 poems and no more than 50 lines.
Because We Write, Added 10/5/2006Maria Soler
Big Toe Review Joshua Michael Stewart
biMagazine Jonathan Alexander
Black Widow & The Brown Recluse Tony Gallucci
The Blue Fog Poetry Journal, Added 11/10/2006Rohitash Chandra
Blue Jew Yorker: Poems of Survival & Ecstasy, Added 9/30/2006Adam Shechter
Blue Mountain Arts Editor
Blue Murder Poetry, Added 9/2/2006Nathan Raymond
BorderSenses Amit K. Ghosh
Both Sides now Elihu Edelson I prefer poems of social/political/spiritual significance.Poets should include snail addresses as payment is in hard copies.
Bottle Bill Roberts
Boxcar Poetry, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Branches Toni Bennett
Breath & Shadow Editor Anyone interested in submitting should definitely (1) read a few issues of the journal and (2) read our submission guidelines. We explain, in detail, how to send submissions and what we are looking for. Our writer's guidelines can be found at http://www.abilitymaine.org/breath/write.html
Bricks & Mortar Review, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Button Sally Cragin Accepts email only from poets outside the United States
Cadillac Cicatrix Editor
Caketrain Journal Donna Weaver
Canadian Woman Studies Luciana Ricciutelli
Canopic Jar, Added 10/27/2006Rethabile Masilo
Caribbean Writer Quilin B. Mars
Carnelian Editor
Caught in the Net Jim Bennett
Censored Poets, Added 10/4/2006Gabe Lowe A poetry blog posting submissions daily
Chantarelle's Notebook Kendall and Christinia Bell
Children, Churches, and Daddies, Added 9/29/2006Janet Kuypers
Christian Connection Annagail Lynes
Clara Venus Marie Kazalia
Close Circuit Press, Added 7/4/2006H. Manley
Combat: The Literary Expression of Battlefield Touchstones Editor
A Companion of Zeor Karen MacLeod We accept poetry based on the universes of Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah. There are submission guidelines on the web
Compass Rose, Added 10/10/2006Editor We read only between 1st August and 1st December.
Concho River Review, Added 10/4/2006Jerry Bradley Should not submit more than 5 poems at one time. Prefers to receive the poems as a Word attachment
Confluence Wilma Acree Accepts email submissions in 12 pt fonts
Conte Adam Tavel, Poetry Editor
Cranky Journal Amber Curtis/Patrick Thiessen Paste into the email; no attachment. Max. of 5 poems
Cricket Online Review Editor Send as a Word attachment.
CrossCurrents, Added 9/29/2006Charles Henderson Please put 'Attention poetry editor' in the subject line of the email.
Cynic Online Magazine, Added 7/30/2006John Blackemire
Dance to Death, Added 7/5/2006Editor
Dark Animus Editor Put the word 'SUBMISSION' in the subject line
Deep Cleveland Junkmail Oracle Mark Kuhar
Defenestration Eileen Lavelle
Dicey Brown Magazine Editor
Dispatch Editor Poetry editor is looking only for what moves her, nothing else.
Down in the Dirt Alexandria Rand
Drunken Boat Editor Put the word 'Submission' in the SUBJECT: line
Ducky Editor
Ducts Ryan Van Winkle
Eastgate Quarterly Review of Hypertext, Added 9/29/2006Mark Bernstein We only publish hypertext and hypermedia -- work specifically written to be read on the computer. We do publish some poetry -- Stephanie Strickland, Judd Morrissey -- but we're a limited market. Poetry that could appear in print is not well suited to us.
edifice WRECKED, Added 8/25/2006Leigh Hughes
Editor's Exchange: Online interactive community Editor
Elegant Thorn, Added 11/11/2006Editor
Eleven Bulls Trevor Coe/Peter Nelson
Eratio Postmodern Poetry Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino Specializing in postmodern poetry, poetics and eidetics. Contact information is at the website.
Erosha C. E. Laine Please read http://erosha.net/faq.htmlNo rhymed poetry, please.
Exit 13, Added 9/29/2006Tom Plante No attachments, please
Experimental Forest Jeanette Trout and Kevyn Knox
Eye -- Poetry for the People Editor
Facets Anne Hudson
failbetter.com Editor
Falling Star Magazine Matt McGee Paste up to five poems into the text of your message. Attachments will not be opened.
FE, Added 6/9/2006Editor
Feminist Studies, Added 9/29/2006Paul Howe We ask that poets submit one hard copy as well as an electronic copy.
Fickle Muses, Added 11/30/2006Editor
Fine Madness Editor Accepts email only from poets outside the United States
Flash!Point Frances LeMoine
Florida Villager Jose V. Torres
Fluent Ascension Warren Norgaard
Flutter, Added 5/23/2006Sandy Hiss
The Fossil Record RS Deese
4 AM Poetry Review Editor
4*9*1 Neo-Naive Imagination Donald Ryburn
Frank David Applefield
Freshwater, Added 10/21/2006Editor
FRiGG Ellen Parker
Fringe Magazine Anna Lena Phillips, Poetry Editor
Frogpond: Quarterly Haiku Journal Jim Kacian
Full Moon: A Literary Magazine Kate Steere and Kim Mladjen
Fullosia Press Editor
Furnace Review, Added 10/18/2006Ciara LaVelle
Gargoyle Richard Peabody
Ghoti Editors
The Gihon River Review Editor
Ginosko Robert Cesaretti
Grand Lake Review Martin Kich The literary journal of Wright State University--Lake Campus. See the guidelines page online.
Greatcoat Ediotrs
Happening!Now Alan Ball Poetry and other writing by young people 18 years old and younger, only
The Harrow, Added 8/1/2006Editor Works of fantasy and horror.
Illiterate Hooligan Press Editor
Illogical Muse Bambie Starr
Ink & Ashes: A Journal of the Senses Editor Evoke the senses and blend with our vision of the journal
Interface Magazine Earl Weeks
Iota Poetry Bob Mee, Janet Murch
Ithuriel's Spear Editor
JMWW Jen Michalski
Journal of Contemporary Anglo-Scandanavian Poetry Sam Smith About 1% get accepted.
Journal of New Jersey Poets Sander Zulauf
Jubilat, Added 10/3/2006Jedediah Berry Must use form on the website for submissions.
Just West of Athens, Added 10/13/2006Editor
Kaj-Mahkah: Earth of Earth Natasha Martin
kaleidowhirl Cynthia Reynolds
The Kenyon Review Editor
Kerem: Creative Explorations in Judaism, Added 10/22/2006Rabbi Gilah Langner We only take poems with Jewish content
Kill Poet, Added 11/3/2006Editor
The King's English Benjamin Chambers
Kota Press Online Poetry Journal, Added 9/29/2006Kara L.C. Jones
Kudzu Poetry Editor
KuPoZine: An Online Poetry Zine, Added 6/29/2006Editor
La Petite Zine Danielle Pafunda See online guidelines for detailed format information.
Languageandculture.net, Added 5/13/2006Liz Fortini
Layalama Online Magazine Editor
Left Curve Csaba Polony
Level, Added 8/1/2006Editor Socially conscious poetry
Lilies and Cannonballs Review Daniel Connor LCR prefers work submitted through the old-fashioned postal service but is willing to accept e-mail submissions as long as the submitting author queries first. Submissions should appear in the body of the e-mail.
Lily: A Monthly Online Literary Review Editor
Liminal Pleasures, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Literally Horses Laurie Cerny
A Little Poetry, Added 11/3/2006Tracee Coleman
Lorraine and James Poetry Editor Please send all works as Word attachments.
Los Editor
Lowe Prose & Poetics Gabe Lowe Use 'SUBMISSION' as the subject. Send the poems in the body of your message.
Lullaby Hearse Magazine Sarah Ruth Jacobs We are a paying market for dark and experimental poetry. Accepts approximately 4% of subs.
Lummox Journal, Added 9/29/2006Editor Caveat: The Lummox Journal will exist only as an online journal as of 2007.
Lungfull Brendan Lorber
The Mad Hatter, Added 9/29/2006Ron Watson We limit ourselves to the work of pre-college students only
Mad Hatters, Added 10/2/2006Carol Novack
The Magical Blog, Added 6/1/2006Editor Poetry can be added by the writers themselves. All they have to do is register.
Main Channel Voices Carol Borzyskowski and Nancy Kay Peterson
Manzanita Editor Manzanita is a printed literary journal of the Mother Lode and Sierra regions of California
Marginalia, Added 11/11/2006Editor
Mastodon Dentist Gordon Purkis Please read guidelines before submitting. You must be 18 or over to submit. --GP
Merge Rosemarie Dombrowski
MetroMania Magazine, Added 9/27/2006Brianne Killoran & Heather MacPherson
Michigan Avenue Review Mary Anne Mohanraj
Miller's Pond David Cazden (print) Julie Damerell (web)
Use only the forms at the website to submit.
Mindfire Renewed: A Literary Journal Gary Blankenship
MiPo Editor
Modern Review Editor
Moon-Lit Path, Added 9/29/2006Editor "'Speculative poetry' -- which includes any and/or all of the aspects of horror, fantasy, folklore, myth and the surreal.
Moria: A Poetry Journal Bill Allegrezza
Morning Star Literary Journal, Added 7/24/2006Tiffany R. Tripp We strive to publish poetry that is off-center and stories that offer more than a happy ending.Use the form online to submit.
Mr. Cogito Robert Davies
Mslexia , Added 11/13/2006Editor Email submissions only from outside the UK
Mudlark William Slaughter
Muscadine Lines: A Southern Journal Kathy Rhodes
Mystery Island Brad Hamlin
Mystic River Review Editor
Narcolepsy Arms: a New Kind of Online Journal Steve Caratzas
Neroup Review Michael P. LaPointe
New Graffiti Editor Will respond in two weeks to any which are accepted. No response at all to those rejected.
New Verse News Editor
The New Writer, Added 9/29/2006Editor Prefers text in body of message to attachments.
The New Yinzer Editor
New Yorker Editor
Nidus Editors
No Tell Motel Editor
NOÖ Journal Mike Young
The Odeum Editor Submit by using the form at the website
Off the Rocks Mark Maroney
Omega: Online Anthology Editor
On the Page Poetry Editor
One Less: Art on the Range, One Less Press Editor
The Onion Union, Added 6/9/2006Marcus McCann
Open Minds Quarterly Dinah Laprairie Focuses only on material by people who are consumers/survivors of mental health services.
The Orange Room Review, Added 9/22/2006Editor
Orbis, Added 9/30/2006Carole Baldock Send maximum of 2 poems, no attachments. Use email only if outside the UK; otherwise make do with the good old fashioned way, 4 by post with SAE.
Order + Decorum Boyd Spahr
Orphan Leaf James Paul Wallis
Out of Line Sam Longmire An annual anthology of poetry, fiction, and essays with underlying themes of peace and justice
Oysterboy Review Jeffery Beam, Poetry Editor Closed to submissions October-December
Pacific Coast Journal Stillson Graham You must first query before submitting. We discourage unsolicited submissions.
Paj Ntaub Voice Hmong literary journal Editor
Papertiger: New World Poetry Editors
Paradoxism Dr. Florentin Smarandache
PAVE Joseph Boes
Pawpars, Added 5/11/2006Keilan Rickard
Pebble Lake Review Amanda Auchter
Pedestal Magazine John Amen Must use the form at the website to post submissions.
Pemmican Robert Edwards
Penniless Press, Added 6/26/2006John Kehoe
Pennine Ink Magazine, Added 10/3/2006Laura Sheridan Poetry should be no longer than 40 lines. Best if you could send your submissions in the latter half of the year but not later than the end of November.
Penny Dreadful Michael Pendragon Just released No. 15 and won't be putting out next issue for another year and a half (give or take), but I'm still open to submissions meantime. (3/21/05)
Perigee Ben Arnold, Poetry/Prose Co-Editor Submit poetry electronically only as a Word or WordPerfect document. We reserve the right to ignore submissions pasted into e-mails
Periphery: A Magical Realist Zine Tamara Sellman
pettycoat relaxer Carl Annarummo and Michael Chiumiento
Pidjin Editor We have a particular fondness for magical realism, as well as writing that possesses an atmosphere of stillness and subtlety. Include your writing in the body of your email.
Plagiarist: A Journal of Poetry & the Arts Editor
Poems Niederngasse, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Poesy Magazine Brian Morrisey
Poet Works Press Editor
Poetic Diversity Marie Lecrivain
Poetry Canada Magazine, Added 6/2/2006Tracy Lynn Repchuk
Poetry Depth Editor
Poetry Kanto, Added 9/30/2006Botsford Alan Paste poems or translations into the text of the message (or Word attachment), along with brief current bio and snail address (hard copies sent as payment).
The Poetry Kit Magazine Jim Bennett
Poetry Super Highway Rick Lupert
Poetrybay George Wallace
poetryfish Phil Singer I accept only work I cannot resist. Since I have no publication deadlines, I'm in no rush to fill pages. When the issue's full, it appears.
PoetryMagazine.com Editor
PoetryPoem.com Editor
Poindexter, Added 7/4/2006Editors A journal of undergraduate work that accepts poetry, fiction, and art.
Porcupine Literary Arts Magazine, Added 9/24/2006Editor
Post Road Magazine Editor
Postromanticism Claudia Moscovici
The Potomac Editor
The Private Press, Added 9/22/2006Editor We accept poetry only through the online contribution form.
Pulsar, Added 9/30/2006David Pike Simultaneous submissions are not considered. Submissions sent as e-mail file attachments are not opened/read
Purple Dream Editor Caveat: PD will not notify you if your work is rejected.Use web submission form.
The Quarterly Journal of Food and Car Poems ~ Remodeled and Refried Verse in Traditional Forms Amy Silver
Queen's Quarterly Editor
Queer Poetry Michelle Gibson and Jonathan Alexander
The Quiet Feather Editor Use form online to submit.
Rainbow Curve, Added 10/9/2006Julianne Bonnet Submissions must be attached as MS Word or PDF documents
Rattle Tim Green
Raven Publishing Inc., Added 10/15/2006Editor poetry, short stories, articles and art that relate to childhood trauma and abuse, the post-traumatic effects and the healing process
The Real Eight View John Buckard
Red Wheelbarrow Randolph Splitter
Redactions: Poetry & Poetics Editors
Rivet Magazine Leah Baltus We publish only one or two poems each quarter.
Rock Salt Plum Poetry Review Jalina Mhyana Use form on submissions page.
Roguescholars Editors
Romantic Short Love Stories Tameka Norris Use the form at the website for submissions.
Rose and Thorn Literary E-Zine A.L. deJager
Ruminate Magazine, Added 11/13/2006Editor
Sage of Consciousness, Added 9/3/2006Editor
Salmon Poetry, Added 10/21/2006Jessie Lendennie
Salt River Review James Cervantes
Samizdada, Added 11/11/2006Editor
Sawbuck, Added 11/3/2006Samuel Wharton
Scorched Earth Publishing Mark Manis
The Scribia Danielle Boudreaux-Otero
Scrivener Creative Review Liz MacInnis
Seeking Succor Editor An anthology.
Sein und Werden Rachel Kendall
sendecki.com Daniel Sendecki
Shampoo: A Poetry Magazine Del Ray Cross
The Shantytown Anomaly J. Bruce Fuller We are a paying market for Sci-fi, Fantasy, and Horror Poetry only.
Shining Horns [at The Raven Chronicles], Added 10/4/2006Elizabeth Myhr, Poetry Editor Accepts online submissions of poetry, essays and book reviews for the online Nature page of The Raven Chronicles.
The Shit Creek Review, Added 10/3/2006Paul Stevens
Slab, Added 11/11/2006Editor
The Smoking Poet, Added 9/8/2006Editor
Snakeskin Editor
Sojourn: A Journal of the Arts James T. Enelow
Sol Magazine Mary Margaret Carlisle
Songs of Innocence Michael Pendragon
Southern Gothic Online, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Speak Up Press, Added 10/24/2006Editor We publish only teen writers (13-19 years old)
Spiral Bridge Jesse Taylor
Spire Press Shelly Reed
Stellar Showcase Journal, Added 9/2/2006Editor No attachments.
Stickman Review Editors
StickYourNeckOut Tom Cox
Storm Warning: Vietnam Veterans Against the War Anti-Imperialist Editor
Studio: A Journal of Christian Writing, Added 9/25/2006Paul Grover
Subjective Substance Omar Azam Must use the form at the website to post submissionsPublishes God-Conscious Poetry. Prefer unpublished modern, free verse styles. Moral, argumentative, confessional, spiritual, or prayerful themes.
SubtleTea Editor
Sunspinner Editor
Surviving: Strength in the Face of Suffering, Added 12/11/2006Editor Must use the web form on our website to submit.
Swell Mark Maroney
Switched on Gutenberg Jana Harris
Swivel: The Nexus of Women and Wit Editor
Tapestries Lorraine Wickman We encourage senior citizens, 50 and over, to submit.
Taproot Literary Review Poetry Editor
Tarpaulin Sky Art Rock
The Teacher's Voice Editor
Tertulia Editor Submissions must include signed and executed legal form at http://www.tertuliamagazine.com/pdfs/tertuliaform.pdf
The Dark Krypt , Added 9/29/2006Editor You must send as an attachment. Poetry pasted into the body of the email will be deleted.
Thermopylae Gloria Brame
Thick With Conviction Karina Bowman
Thunder Sandwich Jim Chandler
Tipton Poetry Journal Barry Harris
The Toe Tree Journal Editor Poetry for the left side of the brain, that is, rational poetry. I welcome any and all submissions that celebrate science, rationality, the autopoetic qualities of nature and evolution.....
Touchstone, Added 10/2/2006Tulora Roeckers
Triplopia Triplopia Editors
Triptych Haiku Kevin Doran An experimental journal publishing a different form of haiku, senryu, and tanka (also accepts art, photography, and haiga)
True Poet Magazine Michelle True
Turning the Tide: Journal of Anti-Racist Activism, Research & Education Michael Novick Interested in short works related to resisting oppression, particularly racism and colonialism.
Turntable + Blue Light/Gowanus Milk City Arielle Guy Will premiere in Fall 2005. Welcomes poetry, stories, and other writing.
Two Lines: A Journal of Translation Editor We're gettng many submissions that are not translated. We do not publish any work that is not translated. The translator may not be the author of the submission.
2River, Added 9/29/2006Editor
Typo Magazine Editors
T-zero Xpandizine: The Writer's E-Zine, Added 9/29/2006Editor
The Ugly Tree, Added 10/25/2006Paul Neads
Unpleasant Event Schedule Daniel Nester
Upstreet: A Literary Magazine, Added 11/11/2006Editor
Venereal Kittens, Added 10/3/2006Matina L. Stamatakis
Versal Megan M. Garr
The Verse Marauder, Added 11/21/2006Renata Dumitrascu No more than 3. Put 'Submission' in the subject field. No attachments.
VLQ (Verse Libre Quarterly) C. E. Laine Please read http://Vlqpoetry.com/faq.html. No rhymed verse please!
Voltaire's Inkwell Benjamin Harrison
Vox Journal Editor
The Wandering Hermit Review Steve Potter
Ward 6 Review, Added 9/19/2006Editors
Waterways: Poetry in the Mainstream Barbara Fisher
Wazee Editor
Which Press Nathan Robarts
Whimperbang Raymond Prucher
White Leaf Press George Stevens Work should be included in the body of the email (no attachments, please)
Whitewall of Sound Editor
Wild Goose Poetry Review Patricia Bostian
Word is Bond Aaron Counts
Words of Wisdom 4 U, Added 7/6/2006Catherine Pulsife Accepts orginal motivational or inspirational poetry. (limit of 5 per individual)
Words-Myth -- A Quarterly Poetry Journal, Added 7/3/2006Graham Burchell
Worm M. A. Griffiths
WOW: Words on the Web, Added 8/9/2006Tony O'Dwyer This is the web associate of wordsonthestreet
Yawp Editor
Yellow Bat Review Craig Sernotti
YGA Magazine Editor
Zafusy Editor
Zone Magazine, Added 7/9/2006Henri Beauregard A Multilingual magazine which accepts submissions in Spanish, French, Italian, and English
Other poetry resources
Louie Crew's home page: http://newark.rutgers.edu/~lcrew
