Submission Guidelines - DAW Books and Orbit Books

DAW Books


We publish science fiction and fantasy novels. We do not want short stories, short story collections, novellas, or poetry. The average length of the novels we publish varies but is almost never less than 80,000 words.

Send us the entire manuscript with a cover letter, not three chapters and a query letter. We do not accept electronic submissions of any kind. Do not submit handwritten material. Manuscripts must be typewritten or letter-quality computer generated. Clear photocopies are acceptable. The manuscript should be on 8" x 11" good white paper, double-spaced, with at least 1" wide margins all around. Please use only one side of the page, number your pages consecutively, and put the title of your novel at the top of each page. Manuscripts should always be unbound.

Very important: Please type your name, address and phone number in the upper right hand corner of the first page of your manuscript. Right under this, please put the length of your manuscript in number of words.

We publish first novels if they are of professional quality. A literary agent is not required for submission. We will not consider manuscripts that are currently on submission to another publisher.

Be sure to include a postage paid envelope for the return of the manuscript, if it is not found acceptable. You are entitled to Fourth Class rates for literary manuscriptsask at your local post office. If you prefer to send your work by First Class Mail and wish it returned the same way, be sure to include sufficient postage, or a check or money order to cover the postage costs. Canadian return postage can only be sent via Canadian Postal Money Order in US dollars. If you are mailing your manuscript from outside the U.S.A. or Canada, postage payment may only be made via American Express Money Order in US$, or by a check in US$ payable from a New York City bank. (Please do not enclose International Postal Coupons, except as postage for a single letter. IPCs cost approximately $3.50 each, but are only valid for 55 cents postage). Never send cash through the mail.

It may require up to three months or more for our editors to review a submission and come to a decision. If you want to be sure we have received your manuscript, please enclose a stamped, self-addressed postcard that we will return when your manuscript is logged in.

It is not necessary for you to register or copyright your work before publicationit is protected by law as long as it has not been published. When published, we will copyright the book in the author's name and register that copyright with the Library of Congress.

Please send manuscripts to:


Peter Stampfel
Submission Editor
DAW Books
375 Hudson St
New York, NY 10014




Orbit Books (Little Brown Book)


 Submissions Policy

Orbit books are happy to read unsolicited SFF novels. Please address your material
(which should include a full synopsis and no more than 30 pages of double-spaced text) to
Orbit Submissions, Little Brown Book Group Ltd, Brettenham House, Lancaster Place, London, WC2E 7EN.

The editorial team aim to read submissions within twelve weeks, but due to the large number of manuscripts received, you may have to wait longer.

Please accept our apologies in advance but we will not enter into correspondence over rejected material, nor will we take responsibility for loss or damage to your work. If you would like your material returned, please enclosed a stamped, self-addressed envelope.
No short stories or poetry, please. We regret that we are unable to accept submissions by email.
Good luck!

