Cristophe's Princely Return part2

But no solution came out of it. Chris tried to connect the dots – the facts, proofs and Robert’s letter to him – But the end results were the same: the Orcbane will be executed as the Pope killer.
To soothe his frustration, Chris slows his horse down to talk to his friends in the carriage.
‘Myrcalia is just miles away now. How are you all doing?’
‘Terrible, just terrible! Just stop awhile, will you? I think I want to throw up!’ says Chris’ dear cousin, Carolyn.
‘Not quite comfy. I prefer elfish carriages, though,’ says Iris. Andreas doesn’t respond – he’s nauseating.
‘I think we just need a rest from this “comfort”,’ says Bernides the Morbit.
‘Chi, chi, chiii! Chi...,’ even Chiel the micha sounds like complaining, too. Well, we can’t blame it, anyway. That little chap became carriage-sick with all the shaking and bouncing all the way. If only Eidos Crydias the science genius invented rubber tires instead of airships...
‘All men, we stop here,’ says Chris.
The carriage and the horsemen stop at once. As they dismount their horses, Talbot comments,
‘Ah, at last you took my advice, no? Zat’s an improvement.’
‘I took PART of your advice, right, but the decision was mine. And my mentor Bernides once said ‘always take decisions after knowing the situation’,’ Chris answers flatly. ‘Just remember that every time we speak, so we won’t have to waste time with meaningless arguments.’
‘I’ll keep zat in mind, my prince,’ says Talbot.
Chris catches resentment in that man’s tone, but he doesn’t care. He just ties Paeldagrin’s leash on a tree branch nearby, pats it lovingly then goes and sits near his friends.
‘That’s much better, cousin,’ says Carolyn, sitting on a large stone with Iris. Not far from there, Chiel watches over Paeldagrin and Father Bernides is applying a light vitali spell to heal Andreas’ nausea.
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