FireHeart World Spread Archive 2008

I'm archiving the ClustrMap for FireHeart Blogspot (this site)
so I can review my target market orientation and see the climate for further steps.
Thank you, ClustrMaps, this is really useful. You guys should have one too!
This map will be reset in August 8, 2008, so please refer to this map to see how far FireHeart Blog is progressing!
Visit to get one!
The above map depicts: 12,006 visits from 8 Aug 2007 to 26 Jul 2008
This map is normally updated daily (latest: 2008-07-26 03:44:17 GMT)
Update frequency and previous day count may vary: see below.
Running total of visits to the above URL since 7 Aug 2006: 18,542
Total since archive, i.e. 8 Aug 2007 - present: 12,784
Note: One thing I note, most people are coming here mostly to see the updates on
Christopher Paolini's Inheritance Cycle, Saint Seiya, and Dynasty Warriors 6. However, I'm still glad some paid attention to my project FireHeart Saga, especially after I added the updated table of contents. Still, i'm always say to myself: Come forth, Andry Chang! Fulfill your destiny!
And for you all readers, thank you and may God watch over you.
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