Vordac - The Dark OverLord
Vordac the Dark OverLord by ~vadis on deviantART
Vordac, the vanquished Dark OverLord, spawn of Adair (a.k.a. Sodomos) the Dark God
The archvillain in all series of FireHeart Saga. Twice vanquished, but still lingered in this world in form of spirit and sought new "hosts" or "heirs" so he would have a body to come back to life and into power. Banished from hell by his father, Sodomos for trying to usurp the position as Dark God. His soul was doomed to linger in Eternia and Underworld forever until doomsday.
Class: Devil
Age: Unknown
Weapons: Scythe: The Crow, Deathblade Kraal'shazar Zweihander
Nation: None, King of Underworld, conquered Sylvania
Gender: Unisex, always disguised as men but preferred women as host just because he was bored being men all the time.
Job: King of Underworld, Dark OverLord
Nickname: Spawn of Sodomos, the Accursed Traitor, Dark OverLord
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