The Stolen Helmet – Part 1

Still thinking that Res'marth has been unjust by not giving him a chance to negotiate and lending the Shield of Faith to Chris without effort, Viscount Adler keeps on staring at his ally's rival with a mixture of envy hand hatred.
Eidos wastes no time to explain that Adler could've said 'borrow' anytime, even in the fight. He thinks he'd better off saying nothing than advising Adler and getting scolded every time. The strife between Adler and Chris can be beneficial for him, anyway.
Cristophe, on the other hand, is more concerned about his personal situation. If Iris didn't dump him, he would probably abandon this mission and wasted his talent by living in quiet. And now, the awkwardness between him and his ex-girlfriend can probably jeopardize the mission.
Ach, I better put those thoughts away and help Iris, Adler and Eidos like a good team-mate should. Next stop, the Helmet of Truth. Acavela, son of Avracense, my forefathers' faithful steed and partner, the majestic griffin, guarding Vadis' treasure in his sanctuary. I'm so eager to meet him, and stand in awe of his greatness.
'Alone with your thoughts, Prince Cristophe?' A voice comes.
Cristophe turns his head and sees Quazar the centaur, captain of the Aurora walking towards him on the deck. Cristophe realizes at once that he has been off-guard that moment, but at least he's still alert. He answers the centaur politely.
'I think I am, Captain Quazar. I'm planning the actions and steps I must make for the next task, the enemies I might find and estimate their power.'
'Also how to deal with your odd team and your own ego,' Quazar adds, to Chris' surprise. 'Yes, Your Highness. We centaurs can't read minds, but we are well-versed with divination by observing the stars. And I've been observing yours for quite some time.'
'Ah, really, Captain?' exclaims Chris with a greater surprise. 'Pray tell me, what do you see from my star? Please?'
Quazar raises his hand and points to the sky. 'Your star lies on the west, glowing red and looks like a hexagram. It looks larger than other stars around it, but it's dim and twinkling. That means you are destined for greatness beyond measure, but you are now in a condition of uncertainty – even danger. The green star on the south has ceased to invoke and block your star from shining brighter, but you need another star, a true helper for you to reach your destiny.
I'm not allowed to reveal which star – that's the answer you must seek for yourself. Maybe by completing your quest, the stars will reveal more of your path.'
Cristophe is thoughtful. 'So, this quest is the key. Even the stars won't reveal the answer yet. Vadis' Arsenal is all that matters for me now. But I can tell you one thing: I'll fight evil and injustice anywhere, anytime, with or without Vadis' Arsenal. That's my calling, my life aspiration. Vadis help me.'
'Now that's a good spirit. You understand that your fate isn't determined by divination or the stars, but by your own choices. The stars only show your present situation and your potential and will change according to your actions. Just do your best and fulfill your destiny.'
Fulfill my destiny. Yes. I'll do my best and my destiny will be revealed with the outcome.
With that thought Chris stares at the stars glimmering on the West, surrounding his red star.
'Captain,' he asks. 'There's another red star on the west, not far from mine. Is that... My brother's?'
'Yes, Your Highness. However, I'm forbidden to reveal its condition except for myself as the reader and the person represented by it. I hope you understand.'
Chris responds with a sigh. 'Oh well, I won't push you about it. I just hope he'll be alive and well until the end.'
And he stares back into the starry sky.
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