Map of Aurelia Continent

Map of the Continent of Aurelia, World of Terra Eternia
Update: January 2009
By: Andry Chang
Complete version
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For readers and author reference
Nations depicted: (with reference to Earth in our dimension)
1. Lore - England
2. Arcadia - France
3. Escudia-Corazon: Escudia - Spain, Corazon - Portugal
4. Borgia - Germany (West) + Netherlands
5. Thyrine - Germany (East)
6. Valanis - Italy
7. Terranova - Swiss
8. Grad - Austria
9. Regia Confederation: Halethia, Edel, Merida, Ashtri, Castoria
10. Sylvania - Romania
11. Fordia - Finland
12. Bjordan - Sweden
13. Gremion - Denmark
14. Wardstone - Ireland
15. Meshallah - Turkey
16. Val'shka - Russia & (the whole ex-Soviet Union)
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