Coming Soon!
 The Dead-Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan "The second book in Ryan's zombie series moves the story ahead in some surprising ways as it introduces compelling characters. Readers will be up late with this one, turning pages and biting their nails." —Romantic Times
Stay tuned for more details in next month's issue of Strange Lands Pre-Order Now! Read an excerpt Lois Lowry's The Giver inspires rock band

 Jonas Sees In Color is a vibrant alternative rock band from Greensboro, North Carolina who just released their debut, self-titled album produced by Aaron Johnson (The Fray). Their music is filled with a boundless creative energy resulting from a passionate group of individuals that live and work together. Jonas Sees In Color takes their name from Lois Lowry?s novel The Giver, after the main character, Jonas, who lives in a dystopian black and white world and is given the gift of seeing in color. Read an excerpt
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