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March 2011 - This month, we are excited to present the next installment in The Forest
of Hands and Teeth books, The Dark and Hollow Places by Carrie Ryan. The second
book in this series, The Dead-Tossed Waves, is now available in paperback!
Also, be sure to check out the newly designed website for The Emerald Atlas!


The Dead Tossed Waves cover

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The Dark and Hollow Places
by Carrie Ryan

There are many things that Annah would like to forget: the look on her sister's face before Annah left her behind in the Forest of Hands and Teeth, her first glimpse of the Horde as they swarmed the Dark City, the sear of the barbed wire that would scar her for life. But most of all, Annah would like to forget the morning Elias left her for the Recruiters. Now it's all up to Annah: can she continue to live in a world covered in the blood of the living? Or is death the only escape from the Return's destruction?

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The Dead-Tossed Waves
by Carrie Ryan

Now in Paperback!

Gabry's content with her quiet and secure life behind the Barrier. Even though her friends dream of the Dark City up the coast, this is her home—all she's ever known, and she is happy. But since the Return, life is never safe. Gabry's mother thought she left her secrets behind in the Forest of Hands and Teeth, but like the dead in their world, secrets don't stay buried. And now, Gabry's world is crumbling. If she has any hope of a future, she must face the forest of her mother's past.

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The Hunt of the Unicorn
by C.C. Humphreys

Elayne thinks the old family story that one of her ancestors stepped through a tapestry into a world of mythical beasts makes a great fireside tale. But she lives in the real world—New York City. And she's outgrown that kind of fantasy. Until she finds herself in front of a unicorn tapestry at the Cloisters museum and sees her initials woven into the fabric; hears a unicorn calling to her, and slips and falls into that other world. Suddenly the line between fantasy and reality isn't so clear. But the danger is real enough.

Read an excerpt.


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The Door in the Forest
by Roderick Townley

At the mid point of three towns, in the center of three streams, in the heart of a forest, lies a mysterious island. Encircled by quicksand and sewn shut by vines, it is impenetrable to everyone except the poisonous snakes patrolling its waters. But Daniel and Emily are determined to get there. Roderick Townley spins a magical tale of lies and truths, of secrets kept and secrets revealed. Sooner or later, we all must step through the door in the forest.

Read an excerpt.


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The Transall Saga
by Gary Paulsen

Mark's solo camping trip in the desert turns into a terrifying and thrilling odyssey when a mysterious beam of light transports him to another time on what appears to be another planet. As Mark searches for a pathway back to his own time on Earth, he must make a new life in a new world. His encounters with primitive tribes bring the joy of human bonds, but violence and war as well—and, finally, a contest in which he discovers his own startling powers.

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Emerald Atlas

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The Emerald Atlas
by John Stephens

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  1. I loved this book just as much as the other two. Though it seemed more contained (by contained I mean it didn't span miles and miles of travel like the other two books), it was equally as thrilling. I was seriously panicking as I read the last few chapters. One of Ryan's greatest strengths is her ability to create incredible tension. I felt this was the perfect finale to a wonderful series. I loved the way each book was told from a different perspective, yet every main character in every book was somehow tied to the previous character. It kep the series cohesive, while giving the reader a fresh voice with each book. My only complaint is that the series is over.


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