Archive Note - Fantasy Novels in FireHeart Blog

I list some of the fantasy novels either introduced or reviewed in FireHeart Blog. For my archive and reader's note only. - Andry Chang

fantasy novels
  1. A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare
  2. David Eddings - Dreamers Book 1 - The Elder Gods
  3. David Eddings - Dreamers Book 2 - The Treasured One
  4. David Eddings - Dreamers Book 3 - Crystal Gorge - Excerpt
  5. David Eddings - Dreamers Book 4 - The Younger Gods - Excerpt
  6. David and Leigh Eddings - The Younger Gods (Book 4 of the Dreamers) Review
  7. Dracula - Bram Stoker
  8. Embrace the Highland Warrior - Anita Clenney
  9. Fantasy Novel Book Trailers - August 2012 Compilation
  10. Fawcetta Book Trailer - 2...Voices and Echoes of the Coliseum vol. 2
  11. FireHeart in Frankfurt Book Fair 2013
  12. Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
  13. Gulliver's Travel by Jonathan Swift
  14. Have you read more than six of these books?
  15. Inheritance by Christopher Paolini (Preview Video)
  16. JAKE WEST The Keeper of the Stones - Book Trailer
  17. Lunula - Alyssa Auch
  18. Mana (Book One of The Mana Saga) by Asher Tensei - New !!
  19. Robin Hood - Howard Pyle
  20. Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin - Book Trailer
  21. Silent Hero by Christine E Schulze
  22. Strange Lands: The Kill Order, Blood Magic, and a Grave Situation
  23. The Archer's Heart Serialized E-Book
  24. The Book of the Forsaken by Yannis Karatsioris
  25. The Crimson Time - A Vampire Crawl
  26. The Emerald Atlas by John Stephens
  27. The Flame in the Mist | Book Trailer
  28. The Golden Ashfruit (The Yggdrasil Saga)
  29. The Inheritance Almanac On-Sale Today and Enter a Super Fan Contest!
  30. The Islands of the Moon - River Jackson
  31. The Last Battle of the Starswords
  32. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood
  33. The Ring of Knowledge
  34. The Ringmaster's Gambit by Yannis Karatsioris
  35. Vadis Review - The Book of the Forsaken by Yannis Karatsioris - New !!
