MONSTROPEDIA Jawzahr - Revenant - Draugr - Zombie

Undead Creatures
Reference version from “Penggemar
Novel Fantasi Indonesia” Facebook Group.
Jawzahr, Eclipse Dragon
Midea, Class A, Dark, Al-Kalam
Jawzahr is an ancient, powerful Eclipse Dragon. It has a
shapeshifting ability, it commands an army of darkness and is always curious.
In Everna, it has a powerful skill from the sun or moon eclipse.
Class B, Dark, Aurelia
Revenants are believed as raised from the grave to terrorize the
living. They used to be evildoers in life. A revenant can spread plague among
living humans. It also drinks blood from living creatures.
Class B, Dark, Aurelia
Draugr, aptrganga or aptrgangr is a warrior’s corpse raised to
wreck havoc among the living. The difference with a revenant, a draugr has
supernatural ability and the ability to make himself bigger into giant-size
(Class A). Draugr’s victims are often tortured to death, like being crushed
under his giant feet, drinking the victim’s blood, making the victim insane
before killing him, or drowning the victim’s body slowly and swallowing him
Zombie (Zombified Slave)
Class C, Dark, Ubanga
Zombies are made by a black magic shaman, so these zombies are
under their masters’ absolute control. In Ubanga, a zombie is also a human with
a stolen, tampered and shackled spirit, supernaturally. Originally, a zombified
man is employed as a shaman’s slave.
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