EVERNA SAGA FireHeart Legacy MV - Role-Playing Game

EVERNA SAGA FireHeart Legacy

RPG Maker MV Version - Role Playing PC and Mobile Game

Based on the novel series by Andry Chang

Developed by Vadis Entertainment (c)2018

Starting out as a carefree fool, Cristophe Deveraux never expected his career as a monster hunter to turn into more than just a livelihood. With his smart-aleck cousin Carolyn as partner, they battled various monsters, solving supernatural quests that were way beyond their academical know-how.

Along the course of adventure, Cristophe and Carolyn made friends with some extraordinary people: Robert Chandler, a ranger trying to make peace with his past; Paolo Marvellini, a dwarf priest struggling to protect his family from the conspiracy around him; and many more heroes in the land, all with their unique personalities, abilites (and problems).

As finale, all those heroes were pitted together in an ultimate quest to prevent the return of Vordac the Dark OverLord - an ancient evil whose soul was sealed inside the godly sword, Deathblade Kraal'shazar.

Will the heroes stop Vordac for good? Will they become the prophesied Paladins of Legend who hinder the ultimate evil from plaguing the good, magical world of Terra Everna? In this game episode, FireHeart Saga - the Third Cycle begins.

Come forth, Paladins! Fulfill your destiny!

Game Manual:

Player Movement Control : Keypad Up, Down, Left, Right

Dash / Run: Hold SHIFT key while pressing the directional buttons

Action Button: ENTER or SPACEBAR key

Enter / Exit Main Menu: ESC key

Optional controls: Mouse click (PC) or screen touch (tablet or smartphone)

F12: Back to Title Menu

F1: Pause / Setup Display

Game Website: http://evernade.blogspot.co.id

NovelBlog: http://fireheart-vadis.blogspot.com

Facebook: @evernasaga

Twitter & Instagram: @evernade

Awards for VX Version:

Runner Up @ Atmajaya Game Show 2010 Game Making Competition

Scope: National (Indonesia)


Cristophe - Carolyn - Robert

Rael'charon - Iris - Adler - Paolo

Kyflynn - Hernan - Desmond - Vera - Erydos - Janna

Little Eloise - Eldric - Young Azrael - Caeleth - Theripides - Alaric - Old Azrael - Dar'gum

Baxter - Orlevant - Tholocaus - Talbot - Ellephar - Bakkhal - A'bong - Pied Piper


The free download is for the DEMO version only.

The complete game will be sold commercially, the platforms will be announced.

Direct Download Link:

