“The Guardian of Nusantara” by Alffy Rev ft Once Mekel, Sudjiwo, Novia B...


Source:  https://youtu.be/T1tDorodPbM?si=GIagbybltD2hZnLy

"The Guardian of Nusantara"

Mengisahkan seorang pemuda yang akan menjalankan tugas besarnya mengarungi Nusantara.
Ia bernama Wisnu, sang putra titisan maharaja nusantara yang terpilih untuk melaksanakan penghormatan kepada sang Garuda, penjaga Nusantara. Penghormatan agung ini dilaksanakan setiap 100 tahun sekali.

Sebagai pewaris sah leluhur Nusantara, Wisnu telah mempelajari berbagai petunjuk dari mendiang ayah dan kakeknya selama bertahun-tahun sebelum hari agung ini tiba. Ia akan melakukan perjalanan panjang yang penuh dengan keajaiban dan rintangan.

Apakah Wisnu akan berhasil menjalankan tugas besar ini?


—— English SUB ;

The story follows the journey of a young man in his quest to delve into the depth of Nusantara. His name is Wisnu, an incarnation of the greatest king of Nusantara. He has received the greatest honor to pay tributes to Garuda, the Guardian of Nusantara, on an exceptional commemoration day held centennially. As a legitimate descendant of the Nusantara  lineage, he meticulously follows the guidance of his late father and grandfather for years in anticipation of the greatest event of his life. He is now embarking on a long journey to perform his sacred duty. A journey filled not only with miracles, but also unthinkable obstacles.

Will Wisnu make it in carrying out his great mission?

Director :              Alffy Rev

Main Cast :      Bintang Edma Rizqi
                                                        Once Mekel
                                                        Sudjiwo Tejo
                                                        Novia Bachmid

Vocalist :             Once Mekel
                                       Novia Bachmid

Co-Director :      Fulviandi Dalope

Director of Photography :    Bagoes Tresna Adji

Research Consultant :                    Asisi Suhariyanto

Script Devlopment :     Alffy Rev
                                                                Fulviandi Dalope
                                                                Linka Angelia

Production Design :    Linka Angelia

Excecutive Producer :     Erwin Johanes

Producer :      Alffy Rev
      Linka Angelia

Co Producer :      Fulviandi Dalope
      Patty M.A Warouw

Line Producer :    Muhammad Fachruriza

Art Director :      Linka Angelia
Astrada 1 :      Fulviandi Dalope
Astrada 2 :     Patty M.A Warouw

Song Writer :                                    Alffy Rev
Music Producer :                              Alffy Rev
Co-Music Produser :                        Seyan
                                                         Alwan Muzakira
Ethnic Composer :                            Jaeko
Mixing Mastering :                            Osvaldorio
VO Artist :                                        Amrid Sadhu             

*The full credit list can be seen at the end of the video.

